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The Acting Business Boot Camp Podcast

Episode 283: The Benefit of Wisdom for the Actor

core work May 08, 2024

Private Coaching

Today, I'm going to talk about the subject of Wisdom. 

Wisdom is my favorite word in the American language. 

God, do I love Wisdom. The reason why I love Wisdom is because Wisdom gives me power.

And sometimes it isn't even the power of knowledge, but the power of knowing what to do. 

And I don't have any script for this podcast or guidance for this podcast. I'm just talking to you about this subject because it is truly just the thing that I crave more of. 

This past week I turned another year older.

I help people to adjust their thoughts and their lives to work for them instead of against them.

And, that's a really crucial thing because it's certainly something that I did a lot when I was younger. 

I constantly worked against myself because I also was like, “Yeah I'm, I have so much energy and I'm so tough, I don't always have to be working for me.”

Oh, would I like to go back and talk to that 20 year old.

Becoming emotionally...

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Episode 282: Perfectionism and You!

core work May 01, 2024

Private Coaching

Now I wouldn't say that I would sometimes call myself Peter Pamela Perfectionism Rose, but sometimes I've called myself Peter Pamela Perfectionism Rose.

The biggest thing about perfectionism that I want to talk about today is that perfectionism leads to procrastination, leads to paralysis. 

The other thing that I think is so important about the lesson of perfectionism is to make your ears grow bigger, cunning, baffling, and powerful.

I look at all the ways, in fact even this too, recording today's podcast, I was looking for the right time to do it. 

But do you know what the right time to do it was? Right now. Right now was the right time to do it. 

See, my wanting to, and this is just me but maybe you can relate, my waiting to just feel like it is perfectionism in a very cunning, baffling, and powerful way, trying to get me to not do what I most need to do to move my career forward, which is because for the past, I think over two years now, I have...

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Episode 281: Taking Risks

core work Apr 24, 2024

Today I'm going to be talking about something that I have been doing recently, which I've been really taking risks.

It's been real. It's been an adventure. And I've said to myself, I remember earlier this year, I was in a foreign country. I was driving in a foreign country, on the opposite side of the road. And I went in my car. It was late at night and I'd been traveling for a while and I just said to myself, You are so brave.

You are so brave. 

And I think one of the things that I've learned in taking risks is really to encourage, be your own cheerleader while you're doing it. 

Because taking risks is scary. It gets us out of our comfort zone, and of course there's that, saying life begins at the end of our comfort zone, but it really is true.

And I don't think you are ever too old to take risks.

I did a podcast, oh gosh, I guess it was over a year ago, with my mom where, she shared with you all that she finished writing her 10th cookbook on her 80th birthday. 


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Episode 280: Vulnerability & the Actor

core work Apr 17, 2024


Today, I'm going to talk about something that I've been feeling recently—vulnerability.

Yeah. Vulnerability. Just feeling a little tender. 

Now, the thing I always think about with vulnerability is vulnerability and emotional availability is two of the greatest assets that actors can have. 

All I have to say about that is that can also be like your cross to bear, as it were when dealing with the industry. 

Because as an actor, as an artist, we wear our hearts on our sleeves. 

But how I like to approach the business is the business. When I go in there, I do my work, my good work.

What I want to do is focus on that and not focus on the business. 

So that's what Acting Business Boot Camp is all about. It's about getting you to focus on the right things at the right time. 

But today, we're going to talk a little bit more about vulnerability. I'm going to use my dear friend Melody Beattie.

The Language of Letting Go 


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Episode 279: Nepotism and Grandiosity

core work Apr 10, 2024


I'm going to be talking about something that a listener sent me, and I thought it was a really interesting idea for a podcast, which is about nepotism.

I do think it is yet another one of those areas of the industry where we can get our heads in the clouds and not on our bodies, and really allows us to make excuses for not showing up and taking responsibility.

As a NEPO baby, I am not one.

I do not come from anyone in the industry. You have an advantage in that you have those connections. However, you also have to have the talent, consistency, and persistence to back that up. The other thing is that, oh, you're so and so's daughter or you're so and so's child. Oh. Then you must be fantastic, and then you have to live up to that, or you can never be your own person.

Now, I have a friend of mine who is the child of an incredibly famous actor, but that child chooses to use a different name because they don't want to be known as so and so's child. Now, that is very...

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Episode 277: Are You Stuck?

core work Mar 27, 2024

So, this week, I've received numerous emails from actors who have told me that they feel stuck. 

That's why I was like, if they're feeling it, maybe I should do a podcast about feeling stuck. 

So we're going to get to that. 

Private coaching

Being stuck. I think being stuck has a lot to do, at least for me, about timing. 

Generally, it always comes down to timing—not my timing; it's the Universe's timing. And then that sometimes just doesn't work. If I'm not in the greatest place, that frustrates me even more because I'm like, “Why not now?”

“Why not now? What the fuck is going on?” 

And then I think I'll go great guns and put a ton of stuff out there, and then it'll be like this. Yeah, you get it. It's silence, right? 

Or things just aren't moving as fast as I would like. And ultimately, being stuck has to do with timing.

It's just where you are right now. And if you are in the entertainment industry—which, chances...

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Episode 275: New Beginnings of Spring

core work Mar 13, 2024

The Working Actor Road Map

I don't know about you, 2024 is not exactly what I expected it would be in this industry.

And, I'm after the strikes and, after everything we went through last year, seriously? This is it? 

Now, of course, there are reasons for this. 

There's the potential IATSE strike and the industry contraction. But the problem is that I don't know about you, but I'm left with feelings.

And I thought that, since we just moved our clocks, I thought I would make this episode about spring and new beginnings. 

In fact, I had friends over for dinner the other night, and my dear friend brought me this beautiful plant. It had hyacinths and tulips.

Of course, she knows I'm a Dutch girl. I love tulips. You can't go wrong with tulips and daffodils. And every time I look at it, it just makes me smile and it makes me feel good because spring is a time of renewal. 

So today I'm going to be talking about new beginnings and renewal.

And one of those things that I...

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Episode 274: Setting Your Own Course

core work Mar 06, 2024

8 Tips to Not Get Ripped off as an Actor Masterclass

So today, I'm going to be going back to the fabulous Melody Beattie in her wonderful book, The Language of Letting Go, and I'm going to be talking about setting your own course.

And it seems like the world is so turbulent.

I know it sounds like we're always saying that, but it does feel like the world is so turbulent. And I think when it is very important for us to keep the focus on ourselves and how we do that is by setting our own course. I'm going to read a little bit.

“We are powerless over other people's expectations of us. We cannot control what others want, what they expect, or what they want us to do and be. We can control how we respond to other people's expectations.”

Now, I did a podcast on when your buttons get pushed and if this is already starting to vibrate with you, resonate with you, I beg of you, listen to that podcast if you haven't already.

So again, we are powerless over others, other people's...

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Episode 273: When Your Buttons Get Pushed

core work Feb 28, 2024

8 Tips to Not Get Ripped Off as an Actor and the Three Pillars to a Successful Acting Career

Let's start talking about those buttons being pushed, right?

And I want to talk especially about how to help yourself.

There's a little phrase that I love. It's one of my absolute favorites, which is “if you're hysterical, it's historical.”

I find that when my buttons get pushed, if I'm upset about whatever it is for longer than five minutes, it's not about that thing.

It's about something from my past.

The other really helpful thing to note about buttons, because it's generally family members who push your buttons, is that your family knows how to push your buttons because, hello, they installed them.

Your family knows how to push your buttons because they installed them.

So I want To help you so that when you have that moment, when your buttons get pushed, you can start to practice this particular formula.

Now I need to also say this, when my buttons get pushed, I find it's...

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Episode 272: Planting the Seeds of Success

core work Feb 21, 2024

Thursday, February 29th, Live NYC Seminar

Planting seeds for success.

I call this a Foundation skill, and this is a skill I believe that you can use not only for yourself but also for other friends who need support.

Who needs to be planting some seeds for success for themselves as well the idea is when you “plant a seed,” you are setting out an expectation that you can do it or that your friend can do it.

And more often than not, when you plant that seed of success, and you say, “Hey, you can do it. Hey, no, I can do this.” You actually do it. 

That's why it's so important and why this is such a brilliant and useful foundation skill. 

You can think of it as almost the germination of an affirmation. 

So in other words, you plant that seed starts to germinate, and as you feed it with positive affirmations, it begins to grow. 

Then, as you add those action steps that support those thoughts and, of course, that ultimate goal, that's when the...

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