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Episode 113: Your Life's (and Career's) Potential

core work Feb 10, 2021

“How you do one thing, is how you do all things”

We want to start making the uncomfortable, comfortable.

The Three As

  • Awareness
  • Acceptance
  • Action

Used as a tool to change so you can fulfill your life’s and career’s potentials.

Awareness: In order to change we must become aware of what needs to be changed

Acceptance: Once we are aware, we need to accept where we are at with it.

Action: You can’t take action without the first two.


An intention: the message you give yourself about what you are planning on doing. It is how much and what type of energy you have to put towards it.

Consciousness: You awareness of who you really are as opposed to the “you” that you believe you are or were taught that you are

3 Circles Intersecting that make up your Consciousness

  1. Who you are—Your Awareness
  2. What you do— The Acceptance
  3. How you do it— The Action

How do you describe yourself?

How do you move beyond them?

Ask These Empowering Questions:

  1. How do I limit myself by putting a label on myself?
  2. How do I limit myself by putting a label on my acting career?
  3. How do I limit myself by putting a label on my abilities as an actor?

Bonus Empowering Questions:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 100%, what percentage of my potential do you believe you are currently using or living?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 100%, what percentage of my potential do you believe you are currently using in terms of your acting career?
  3. What action could you take to boost that percentage by 5% of your life and your acting career?