Two Types of Goals
Achievement Goals and Habit Goals
Achievement Goals- One Time Accomplishment
Habit Goals- Regular Ongoing Activity
“Right Goals” and Action Plans: AIM
A-cceptable- What is the acceptable minimum?
I- Ideal- What is the acceptable maximum?
M- Middle. What is a reasonable stretch?
Reasonable OR Risky
If the ideal image of you doesn’t resonate with the image of you now, then no matter how bad you want to achieve it, it’s not the right goal for you now.
You want to make sure that your goal is in line with your current concept of your who or your consciousness.
Your consciousness is your awareness of who you really are, as opposed to the you that you believe that you are or that you were taught that you are.
The Power of Empowering Questions- they are powerful, they open-ended, they are clarity seeking, they are probing, they are challenging, they are thought-provoking, they are future-directed, they are solution-oriented questions that cause you to search for answers and new possibilities, they are value-seeking questions.
Action Steps:
"Leave what you are good at aside, and focus on your great."